13 Desember 2009

:you have my word:

i've decided
i've decided

i'll not go back..
even just for a second in my life..
i'll never ever wanna turn back!

i'm keeping my mouth zippered
acting like i dont ever know u at all
erasing memories in my head
wishing GOD to help me released u

i just ordinary girl
unstable particle
i had ever sway because of you

but now
i've decided
i will stand up without you
i will never begging for ur explaination anymore
i will never disturbing ur life again

my voice will never call ur name again
my heart will never shout ur name again
my mind will never thinking of u again

thank you for ur kindness to make me strong
thank you for ur inspiring life
thank you for the "sunshine"
thank you for the "rain"
thank you for the "storm"
thank you for the "rainbow"

finally you have my word, dear
you will never access my life (again)
and i will never authorized u to entering my life (again)
you have my word, dear
(maybe) it's best for us

//happy for both of you//

[chocappucino, 22:50, 13 desember 2009]

2 komentar:

farichah mengatakan...

ANJRITTT... dalem banget han... likes this!

happy to both of you... akhirnya saya bisa menerima.. *maaf saya curcol*

Nadia mengatakan...

Happy for u,,darling..
finally u find the way,,hahahah