yup! hasil ke-kepo-an terhadap diri sendiri, berujung pada tumblr yang membahas tentang scorpio. entah dibagian mana dari deskripsinya tentang bagaimana perempuan scorpio itu, tapi it was so me yaa hehehe. pada beberapa bagian saja sih *ngeles* bagian mana? yaa nilai sendiri saja :)
Scorpio Woman:
A simple woman who always show what kind of a moods she is in. You can tell right way if she up set, or if she is flirting with you. She displays herself with her act much more than trying to say it for it’s in her character.
If you think she going to do everything you say because she loves you, then you will be disappointed. She could be a little tomboyish and she can understand you by just looking in your eyes. You may say sweet words which could sweep any woman, but not with the Scorpio woman. She will use her X-ray eyes reading your thought of what you just said or what you are going to say. She always smile and she can really hide her feeling.
Sometimes she shows her weakness, but it won’t be long. She will put herself together and back to be that hot chili again. If she loves you, it will be no matter what other people may say. Her relationship will be more important than what is right or wrong *damn right!*. Because of this reason, you may know some Scorpio woman become a second wife, a mistress *yaaaa gaaa gitu jugaaa kaliiiiiii (--___--")* *ketok pala pake palu*.
If you play a cold war with her, she will treat you likewise and double it. If you stood her up once, she will stood you up 2-3 times. She is quite fair in justice, so she can accept your apologies as much as she can pretend to accept things for now and wait for a pay back revenge in the future. If you are nice to hear, she will double that to you as well. A real fair woman. *fair sama pendendam jadi beda tipis yee --" ga gaaa ga bener nih*
She likes to make and spent money *$$__$$*. She likes to have fame and reputations, and never let herself broke and have no name at the same time. She is too proud and will not accept status of being “Poor” *ini sungguh lebay kuadraaat!!!! (---____---") i always keree all the time*. She loves to have face, so if you are a manager with small salary, she will be proud more than more money being a truck driver. She hates to think and she can not stand a feeling of being a “Nobody”.
If you like her, play a little hard to get.
setelah selesai baca, kok kayak gw jadi nyampahin diri sendiri ya?
ahahahahahaha (---_______---")